Wolski's experience led him to become a volunteer lead at YIMBY Oakland County, a group working to end the county's housing shortage.
"I also love that the petitioner is asking for fewer than one parking space per bedroom. My four-year-old son has his own bedroom. He does not drive his own car. In fact, my husband and I share a car. We have one car for three people in a three-bedroom house," said [YIMBY Oakland County Lead] Woock
"I think this is a great project. These people are going to have a place to park, and these people will also be able to walk and cycle all over downtown Royal Oak just like many other people who do not live directly downtown," [YIMBY Oakland County Lead Kati Woock] said.
"We should all want to develop housing near our job centers, like this hospital, so we can attract the best medical professionals to our community which in itself is a huge community benefit," said [YIMBY Oakland County Lead] Alex Morford
At Monday night's city commission meeting, one person in attendance [from YIMBY Oakland County] voiced support for the development, saying it will help Royal Oak teachers, paramedics and servers live closer to their jobs.
YIMBY counters the typical phrase NIMBY, “not in my backyard,” by attempting to help conversations around topics that people may not have a thorough understanding of, like affordable housing projects. They aim for more informed discussions to lessen the resistance to housing.